About Me

A Little About Me:

Welcome to my little hideaway on the web! Allow me to introduce myself:

I'm a single mother of four boys (two all grown up and flown from the nest and two in elementary school.) I'm very much interested in family and childrens' needs. A lot of what I post about is probably related to my family and caring for my children, what we do to entertain ourselves, what we're watching on TV and in the movies, what we are reading (we're all avid readers!) and what we do when we're out and about as a family.

Our family also includes a charming little Chihuahua named Zadi and a sweet kitty we call Fanny. They're an endless source of amusement to us all... They're always doing something cute that I can't keep to myself.

Besides being a doting parent, I'm also an actress, writer and artist. Being on stage or on camera is a huge thrill for me, but I don't often have time to audition with the my family's schedule. Writing is a little easier to do with an active family, so I spend a lot of time doing that. If I go a lengthy amount of time without writing, I feel like my head is going to explode. As for the artist in me, I mostly sculpt, but I enjoy all types of crafts, the messier the better, usually.

I'm big on the cooking and baking so you, faithful readers and friends, will often find my family's favorite recipes posted here. I'm also a wine enthusiast. I don't know how that will fit in here, if at all, but it's part of me, so I can't go without mentioning it.

I'm a fitness fanatic, I like working out and running and I'm always looking for a new routine to change things up.

What else can I say about me? I love clothes, shoes, accessories and home-decorating! I'm always on the look out for a bargain or sale on awesome products to feed my love of these things. I also love to travel and like to share things about the places my family and I have visited.

That's me in a very large nutshell. I hope you'll visit often and get to know more about my family, pets and me! There's always lots to explore!

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