Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's New with Us...

What's new with Us...

First, I moved my introductory post. It can now be found under the About Me tab. So please, if you would like to know about me, my family and our pets and our lives, look there.

I put up some links to giveaways that I've come across and entered myself. Those can be found under the Reviews and Giveaway tab.

Electronic woes are abounding here at our house. The microwave (less than seven months old) went ka-flooey a few weeks ago. I almost never used it, except to heat water for tea or to reheat the ocassional left over, so I don't understand why it would give out like that.

The cable box in the kids' room is having all sorts of issues. I was on the phone with our cable provider for about an hour this morning and we couldn't fix it via a phone call, so they're sending a tech out tomorrow to see what he/she can do.

Worst for me is that the monitor on my laptop died yesterday. It's only a year and a half old! Not happy. Trying to blog, enter sweepstakes and check web based email on my handy dandy smart phone was not working for me. Thankfully, after sleeping on the problem, I realized that I could plug my computer into  a TV and use that as an external monitor. I have a little extra flat screen that the kids and I use to play around with our home karaoke set up, so I'm using that for a monitor until I can replace my laptop and transfer all of my work (writing projects in progress mostly) onto my new computer.

My cell phone is having some issues with chargers (I've purchased three in the past month) just not doing the charging job. The first one kept falling out, the other two worked for a couple of days and then stopped. Now, it seems, the battery is just not taking or holding a charge, so I'm working on replacing the battery.

I think Mercury must be in retrograde... At least in my little part of the universe.

Not everything is about uncooperative electronics! School goes back into session out here on August 9th. I'm happy to say that back to school shopping is going well. I'm getting the boys set up with new uniforms for the school year and school supplies. We're also trying to ease them into their regular bedtime schedule for the school year. I've been bad and let them stay up way too late because it was summer vakay.

Fanny, our sweet cat, had kittens a month ago and they are all doing well. They are adorable little balls of fluff who are now starting to happily explore their environment and play with the boys.

Finally, I've had a eight small wins in the past month. I just returned to my sweepstaking hobby after a six year hiatus, so to have so many in so short a time after only a month of entering is very exciting. 

So that sums up what's going on here! Hope you, friends and readers, are all doing well and enjoying the summer!


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